Publications & Reports

Dr. Heather  Battles
  • Phillip Roberts and Heather T. Battles (2021) Measles and scarlet fever epidemic synergy and evolving pathogenic virulence in Victoria, Australia, 1853–1916. Social Science History 45(1): 187–217. DOI:
  • This is the ‘read-only’ sharing link (allowing anyone to view/read, but not download, the entire article):
  • Sara Dada, Heather Battles, Caitlin Pilbeam, Bhagteshwar Singh, Tom Solomon, and Nina Gobat (2021) Learning from the past & present: Social science implications for COVID-19 immunity-based documentation. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 8:219.
  • Heather T. Battles and Rebecca J. Gilmour (2022) Beyond mortality: Survivors of epidemic infections and the bioarchaeology of impairment and disability. Bioarchaeology International.  Published online (Early View) 6 December 2021:
  • Dimka, J.van Doren, T. P., & Battles, H. T. (2022). Pandemics, past, and present: The role of biological anthropology in interdisciplinary pandemic studiesAmerican Journal of Biological Anthropology1– 36


Dr. Louisa Buckingham


Dr. Andrew Chen
  • Blog Posts:


Dr. Jesse Hession Grayman


Dr. Monique Jonas
  • Amanda Evans, Monique Jonas and John Lantos, ‘Paediatric palliative care in a pandemic: role obligations, moral distress and the care that you can give.’ Pediatrics 146 (2020): 1-8
  • Lilian Ng, Monique Jonas and Phillipa Malpas, ‘What is the Risk of Moral Injury to Front Line Health Workers?/
  • Naomi Simon-Kumar, Rachel Simon-Kumar and Monique Jonas. Revisioning State-Society Relationships in Pandemic: New Zealand’s Response to Covid-19. COVID-19, States and Societies. Paper 9. Johannesburg: Public Affairs Institute.
Prof. Robin Kearns
Kearns, Robin (2021). Narrative and metaphors in New Zealand’s efforts to eliminate COVID-19. Geographical Research, 1–7.
Prof. Jamie King
Dr. Rochelle Menzies


Associate Steve Matthewman
Publications, Reviews and Comments:
Associate Professor Susanna Trnka


Dr. Lara Greaves 
  • Greaves, L. M. & Morgan, E. (2021). Māori and the 2020 General Election In S Levine (Ed.), Politics in a Pandemic: Jacinda Ardern and the 2020 Election. Wellington, NZ: Victoria University Press.
Creative work:
  • Matthewman, S. (2020) ‘Pale Horses, Black Swans – The More Things Change’, ‘Pale Horses, Black Swans – An Island’, in Harwood, A. (ed.) Life in the Time of Corona: An Anthology of Short Stories, Melbourne: Mana Press, pp. 18-22, 72-80.
  • Co-chair: Matthewman, S. & Huppatz, K. (2020) Panel Session: ‘A Sociology of COVID-19’, Australian Social Sciences Week, 7 September:
  • Matthewman, S. (2020) ‘A Sociology of COVID-19: International Reflections for Local Directions’, [Una sociología de COVID-19: reflexiones internacionales para orientaciones locales] presented to colleagues at the Center for Research in Social Sciences, El Colegio de Sonora, Mexico, 9 October:


Assoc.Prof Gregory Minissale
  • Law, M., Minissale, G., Lambert, A., Nater, U. M., Skoluda, N., Ryckman, N., … Broadbent, E. (2020). Viewing landscapes is more stimulating than scrambled images after a stressor: A cross-disciplinary approach. Frontiers in Environmental Science, online first DOI 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.03092


Professor Tim Mulgan
  • Mulgan, T., Enright, S., Grix, M., Jayasuriya, U., Ka‘ili, T, Lear, A.,  Māhina, A., Māhina, O., Matthewson, J., Moore, A., Parke, E. C., Schouten, V., Watene, K., 2021, ‘Charting Just Futures for Aotearoa New Zealand: Philosophy For and Beyond the Covid-19 Pandemic’, Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, forthcoming. DOI:


Professor Andreas Neef
  • Neef, A. (2020). Legal and social protection for migrant farm workers: lessons from COVID19. Agriculture and Human Values 37, 641–642. 10.1007/s10460-020-10086-w


Assoc. Prof. Susanna Trnka


Stefano Riela


Professor Lisa Samuels
  • Samuels, L. Breach. Norwich: Boiler House Press, forthcoming 2021.
  • Samuels, L. “Breach as Flow in the Pandemic Learning Room”. Knowledge Cultures, 8(2), 61-64. https://doi:10.22381/KC8220209


Dr. Danping Wang
  • Wang, D., Zhao, Y. (2020). Introduction to the special issue of “A digital future of Chinese language teaching”. International Journal of Chinese Language Teaching, 1(1), I-V.
  • Wang, D., & East, M. (2020). Constructing an Emergency Chinese Curriculum during the Pandemic: A New Zealand Experience. International Journal of Chinese Language Teaching. 1 (1) 1-19.



Erin Stieler (2021). Studying abroad during a pandemic: Challenges and experiences of resilience amongst international students in Aotearoa New Zealand. Research Report.

Access to Full Report: Studying abroad during a pandemic report